Becoming a discriminating gourmet after weight loss surgery
Bariatric surgery, commonly known as weight loss surgery, is not about being on a diet for the rest of your life. It’s about learning how to make the type of bariatric procedure you had, be it Gastric Bypass, Lap-Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy or a Revisional surgery work for you. Many patients think that it is about depriving themselves and “being on a diet” for life. We dare you to think about it a bit differently: Become a discriminating gourmet. It is a new life, a new start, a chance to start over and enjoy really good food without guilt.
• Be smart. Bariatric surgery helps patients feel satisfied with less food, especially when protein-dense foods are eaten. To make the most of your bariatric procedure, choose a solid protein source first, then veggies and avoid carbs such as rice, pasta and potatoes (carbs are quickly broken down and do not provide long lasting satiety, but rather empty calories).
• Go for variety. Protein-rich foods can be quite boring if all you eat is chicken. Dare to venture into new food territory! Try Cornish game hen, rabbit, duck breast, buffalo, ostrich, salmon, snow crab, sea scallops, oysters on the half shell, edamame, legumes – need we go on?
• Keep portions small, but of highest quality. A typical portion of meat, fish or seafood is 3 ounces. By keeping to a portion size of 3 ounces, you will be able to substitute for higher quality or more expensive items and still keep within your budget. One pound of meat is enough to feed a family of four.
• Eat with your eyes first. Make sure that the presentation is worthy of your appetite. Food that looks wonderful and is served on beautiful dishes tastes better. Don’t keep your good china just for the Holidays – enjoy them throughout the year to enhance your dining experience.
• Keep it simple. Gourmet does not mean complicated and with heavy sauces. Find simple recipes that are easy to make and bring out the fresh, natural flavor of foods.
• Share your meals. Eating is a social event. It is not something that should be done while driving, watching TV or surfing the internet. Gather your loved ones around the table and find out what they have been up to. Meals always taste better when enjoyed with someone else.
• Involve the children. Have the children shop with you for unusual veggies (purple cauliflower is always a hit). The more children are involved, the more likely they will be to enjoy the new tastes and become little gourmets themselves.
• Take cooking classes. Not everyone is an instant chef. Cooking classes can be fun and a wonderful way to explore new foods and get fresh ideas. Make it a date and take a lesson with your spouse.
• Enjoy your food. Part of being a gourmet is enjoying the pleasure of a well cooked meal. Enjoy new tastes and pay attention to presentation. After all, if you are going to be limited in the quantity that you are eating, shouldn’t you have the very best?
For inspiration, attend our cooking demonstration at the monthly On Track Workshop at Griffin Hospital. If you would like to learn more about weight loss surgery, please register for a free seminar.
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