Gastric Sleeve Vs. Gastric Bypass: Which Is Right for Me?
There are numerous considerations that must be factored into a decision regarding an appropriate weight loss surgery. Gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery are two of the most popular and effective methods toward this end, and both have been utilized with millions of Americans with great success. There are many similarities and differences between these two prominent techniques. So to help you on your journey to improved health and happiness, Dr. Rishi Ramlogan, our skilled weight loss surgeon, has compiled some helpful information that may assist you in selecting an appropriate technique for your medical needs and goals. Gastric bypass surgery is considered to be a combination weight loss surgery, in that the procedure is both restrictive (reducing the amount of food you can eat), and malabsorptive (limiting the absorption of certain foods). Since the technique involves “bypassing” a portion of small intestine, diet becomes essential. You will have to take vitamins daily and avoid certain foods, including sugary items. Although lifestyle changes may be significant, dramatic weight loss of up to 60-80 percent of your total weight is typical... Read More