Considering Bariatric Surgery
If you are a person who has been suffering from severe obesity (morbid obesity) you may have considered bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery). There are several types of bariatric surgery. Each procedure has pros and cons. Each procedure requires a lifestyle change that includes stress management, exercise and good nutrition. Bariatric surgery also requires lifelong follow-up with the bariatric surgery team and multivitamin and mineral supplements. Oversight of Bariatric Procedures performed at Griffin Hospital Lap-Band – The lap-band is a restrictive procedures (allows you to feel satisfied with less food). The key to success with the Lap-Band is frequent follow-up and optimal adjustments to the silicone ring. The expected average excess weight loss is around 50%. Thus, this procedure is usually recommended for persons who need to lose less significant weight. Health benefits such as resolution of sleep apnea, better control of diabetes and other conditions are related to the amount of weight loss and maintenance over the long term. Sleeve Gastrectomy (Gastric Sleeve) – Even though the Sleeve Gastrectomy is considered a restrictive procedure, it must be noted that... Read More