Could My Stomach Stretch After Sleeve Gastrectomy?
One of the most commonly performed bariatric surgeries, gastric sleeve surgery works by reducing the size of the stomach and limiting the number of calories that can be comfortably consumed. Since the procedure relies on minimizing the size of the stomach, many patients wonder if there is a risk of stretching the stomach, making it larger, and regaining the weight. The stomach is a very flexible organ, and some stretching is normal. When food is eaten, the stomach stretches to accommodate the material and alerts your brain when it has reached capacity so you know to stop eating. If someone continues to eat after this point, the stomach will stretch further. Stomachs that are regularly stretched to contain excess food will eventually become permanently larger. This can lead to difficulty determining fullness and cause feelings of hunger even when sufficient food has been consumed. As a result, a patient could gain weight after surgery if they routinely overeat. If overeating is a rare event, the stomach may stretch a bit but should shrink back to its original size, so most... Read More