Weight loss surgery patients should continue to take daily bariatric formulated multivitamins and calcium
Two studies this week raised gnawing worries about the safety of vitamin supplements and a host of questions. Are multivitamins and calcium supplements really necessary after bariatric surgery? Are a healthy diet and an active lifestyle enough to maintain health after bariatric surgery? Are the multivitamins that I am taking safe and effective? This week, a study of nearly 40,000 older women found a slightly higher risk of death among those taking dietary supplements, including multivitamins, folate, iron and copper. It was just an observational study, though, not a rigorous test. Another study found that men taking high doses of vitamin E — 400 units a day — for five years had a slightly increased risk of prostate cancer. The take home message though is that these vitamin and mineral studies looked at people who did not have bariatric surgery. Obviously, the best way to get vitamins is to eat foods that naturally contain them. A variety of foods can provide more than just vitamins and minerals, but also fiber and protein that are essential to a healthy diet. Surprisingly... Read More