Developing a Healthy Long-Term Diet After Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass is more than just a weight-loss surgery, it’s an opportunity to adopt long-term lifestyle changes that support a healthier, more vibrant existence. One very important component of your lifestyle change after gastric bypass surgery is learning how to adjust your diet long-term to support your evolving health goals year after year. Once you've fully recovered from surgery (typically six months post-operatively), our weight loss surgeons at Griffin Bariatrics recommend adopting these important dietary guidelines: Make sure you are meeting your daily protein goals - your dietician will educate you on how many grams of protein your body requires. Keep the amount of fats and carbohydrates you are eating in balance with your dietician’s recommendations. Ensure proper meal frequency and meal sizes - weigh the food you prepare and keep track of calories to avoid overeating. Your dietician will provide you with an optimal calorie range to abide by. As you progress in your journey, this calorie count may be adjusted. Each meal should contain 50% protein, 25% vegetables, and 25% starches - eat protein first, followed by veggies... Read More